
Saturday, July 24, 2021

Professional Teacher Networks

We have expanded our Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) this summer but here are a few additional suggestions, in case anyone is interested.
  1. The Teaching Channel: This site offers numerous free videos by grade level and subject.
  2. The Current of Learning and Teaching Today: This is a collection of innovative resources created and curated by community members. Check it out -- it's really cool!
  3. National Writing Project: This is a collection of writing resources and topics.
  4. KQED: This site offers free medial literacy teaching and learning resources.
  5. Teaching Degree: This site offers opportunities for professional networking in teaching.
  6. 4Teachers: This site has been around for a very long but their tools are still pretty awesome. Check them out!
Do you have any favorite resources?

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

St Petersburg, Russia: The Hermitage Museum Tour

Even though all of us were negatively impacted by COVID-19 global pandemic, there is always a silver lining somewhere. We now have an amazing YouTube collection of recordings of many famous museums around the world. When global travel halted, many lovers of art used the power of social media to share their beloved museums with other people around the world. How cool is that?

Here is a tour of one of my favorite museums, The Hermitage, in St Petersburg, Russia. You can wander the Winter Palace for days, admiring its architecture and enormous collection of art. Did you know that its façade is 705 feet long and 98 feet high? There are 1,886 doors, 1,945 windows, 1,500 rooms, and 117 staircases. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Piazza for Produsage Project?

I have tried out Piazza for our class a few weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised that I will be using this tool for the upcoming Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC) Professional Development. It is a great tool for hosting a project!

Here are some screenshots of how it is being used, in case any of you need more ideas for the produsage project. Our class example was awesome, by the way, so you may want to go back and take a look, if you have not done that yet.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Digital Citizenship Memes


I wholeheartedly agree with this statement! Simply telling students what to do goes in one ear and flies out the other. We need to provide opportunities to apply digital citizenship best practices and behaviors and model those ourselves.

I usually share real-life stories with my students and we discuss the implications of permanent digital footprint.

This poster hangs in my classroom and I refer to it often, as we discuss various related scenarios.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Good Source vs Bad Source

Finding information online is not an issue -- there is an abundance of it! Did you know that more than 1.7 megabytes of new information is being created every second for every human being on the planet? You will find more fascinating statistics HERE, if interested.

However, much of this information is of questionable quality. As information explosion is gathering momentum, it's becoming more and more difficult to navigate the information and sift out poor quality sources.

I found an interesting blog post that offers four ways to differentiate between good and bad sources:
  1. Check the domain name
  2. Take a closer look at the source
  3. Search for additional information to back up what you have found
  4. Use certain sources only to jump-start additional research
What are you thoughts on this topic?

Sample Instructional Module

Sample Instructional Module (c) 2021 Tatyana Pashnyak