
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Think Before You Create Your Email Address

I can't make this up! 😁😏 That's why I always tell my students -- think before you create your email address. What does it say about you?

Here goes... We rent part of our house to students and I received this "gem" of email today:

Thank you, Joe, for your interest, but please go love your wine elsewhere. 

Note: Since we are discussing privacy issues this week in class, I made sure to hide this person's name and email provider.


  1. Omg this reminds me of some cringeworthy usernames and emails my friends and I made in middle school. When the time came to apply to college, several of my friends had to remake their emails in order to be something more "appropriate." This is something that was constantly stressed throughout high school and college so I'm a little surprised that people still use emails like that, but ya never know.

  2. When I taught adult career classes I'd see the same thing! Middle aged + adults with crazy emails that they wanted to put on their resumes. Um is not going to work.


Thank you!

Sample Instructional Module

Sample Instructional Module (c) 2021 Tatyana Pashnyak